Our mission-driven initiatives not only produce and disseminate primary research, but also support our engagement with local, regional, and international communities.

Conferences & Workshops

Alternative Uses of the Oil Platforms Expo Santa Barbara, California – Expo to inform and educate the public about the different options available for creating alternative uses of the Santa Barbara Channel oil platforms as many of them head towards decommissioning.

Decommissioning Workshop Santa Barbara, California – BLF aims to bring together state regulatory entities, industry leaders, and community representatives from California and the Gulf of Mexico to provide an opportunity to share best practices and lessons learned from 30 years of successfully managing decommissioning programs in Louisiana and Texas. 

Asia Clean Energy Forum Manila, Philippines – The leading clean energy events in the Asia region, will focus on the challenge of effectively using knowledge to increase the scale and speed of clean energy deployment. BLF spoke on sustainable investment in the ocean economy with Rigs-to-Reefs.

EarthX Conference Dallas, Texas – The world’s largest gathering of environmentally concerned citizens, educators, businesses, and non-profits. BLF spoke on two panels covering Environmental Activism and Ocean Innovation.

DECOM World Houston, Texas – An international decommissioning conference with over 500 key decision makers and industry leaders. BLF hosted a panel on "Reefing in the Super Deep Sea" .

Research & Publications

Published “Marine ecotourism in the Gulf of California and the Baja California Peninsula: Research trends and information gaps”

Published in the LSU Journal of Energy Law and Resources “Overview of Rigs to Reefs: Legislation in California and the Gulf of Mexico”.

Lectures & Education

Nepris – BLF talks about what it’s like to have a career as a marine scientist on Nepris, a cloud-based platform that connects classrooms to the real world to engage and inspire students in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM).

Google Classroom - BLF presents the ecosystems in the Marianas Trench with Nepris.

NYU Stern School of Business – BLF gave a lecture on "The Blue Economy and Rigs to Reefs".

Connecticut College – BLF gave a lecture on "Rigs to Reefs" for environmental law course.

World Business Academy - BLF participated on a panel with scientists, policy makers, and community members on decommissioning alternatives at the Global Citizens Club Meeting!

Gundalow Gathering - BLF virtually presented our film ‘Faka’apa’apa’ and our scientific findings from our expedition to Tonga.

The Energy Coalition -Recognized as STEM heros, the BLF presented on STEM-based careers to ages K-12.